Press Releases
KWIH Launches “K. Wah Cares” Vaccination Incentive Campaign
Offering Hotel Dining Vouchers and Supporting the Underprivileged In Fight Against COVID-19
To Encourage Citizens to Get Vaccinated
(Hong Kong, 11 June 2021) – K. Wah International Holdings Limited ("KWIH" or the "Group") (Stock Code: 00173) has announced the launch of “K. Wah Cares” (全城「嘉」油) vaccination incentive campaign, offering HK$1 million worth of electronic dining vouchers from the InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong through lucky draw to encourage citizens to receive COVID-19 vaccinations early. Also, the Group will donate HK$1 million to subsidise the underprivileged on fees for pre-vaccination medical check-ups at the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (“TWGHs”). The incentive campaign offers in all HK$2 million in support of the Government’s “Early Vaccination for All” campaign aimed at protecting themselves as well as others.
Weekly lucky draws to give out InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong dining vouchers
In a bid to encourage citizens to get vaccinated as soon as possible, boost the vaccination rate and build a pandemic barrier to protect the city, KWIH will give out InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong electronic dining vouchers of total worth HK$1 million in weekly lucky draws. Hong Kong Identity Card holders who have received all two doses of the vaccines by 31 August 2021 are eligible to participate in the lucky draw. Each winner will receive e-dining vouchers valued at HK$2,000 to enjoy a renowned menu of cuisines. Further details will be announced in due course.
Support the underprivileged in fight against COVID-19
KWIH will donate HK$1 million through TWGHs to subsidise fees for pre-vaccination medical check-ups of the underprivileged recommended and screened by TWGHs. The Board of Directors (2021/22) of TWGHs will also donate HK$1 million to the same cause to benefit more people in need. Further details will be announced in due course.
Supportive measures for employees to receive vaccination
KWIH cares about the health of its employees, and continues to encourage them to get vaccinated early to protect themselves and the people around them. Since March, the Group has offered paid “vaccination leave” to ensure all vaccinated employees get adequate rest after their injections. Moreover, the Group has offered subsidies to employees and their family members for pre-vaccination medical check-ups. For the convenience of its employees and their family members, the Group also arranged free transport shuttle service to private clinics for them to receive vaccination. In addition, all employees were invited to join the video lecture conducted by government consultant Professor David Hui Shu-cheong, which aimed at creating a better understanding of the benefits of vaccination.